Fellow Talk on Municipal Level Food Systems Planning for Impacts of Climate Change

Municipal Level Food Systems Planning for Impacts of Climate Change
Tuesday, September 26, 2023 2-3 pm ET (Virtual)
Kasey Owen
Farmers Market Manager and EBT/Food Access Coordinator, Mass Farmers Markets. Presenter
(Former Virgnia Tech Graduate Student and Fellow, Center for Food Systems and Community Transformation)
Carol Davis
Sustainability Manager, Town of Blacksburg. Discussant.
Dr. Lia Kelinsky-Jones
USDA NIFA Postdoctoral Fellow, Virginia Tech, Moderator.
This session focuses on how climate change affects our food system and the steps municipalities can take to address these challenges, with a focus on the New River Valley in Southwest Virginia. The talk will feature Kasey Owen's community-based research focusing on how food systems and municipal stakeholders perceive and plan for climate resilience in the local food system. Carol Davis, Sustainability Manager for the Town of Blacksburg, with whom Kasey worked, will provide introductory framing on the municipal climate risk assessment which served as the impetus for Kasey's work. The end of the session will include Q&A with audience members to explore connections more broadly.