Virginia Tech Food Systems Curriculum

Food System Curriculum Compendium
Virginia Tech offers a wide variety of courses related to food systems and food studies across colleges and departments. This compendium is intended to serve as a living document that orients students, faculty, and staff to the diverse courses available at our institution addressing the interdisciplinary study of food, agriculture, and society. These are courses that may fall under food systems, critical food studies, and food-related studies. The document also highlights pathway minor programs at Virginia Tech.
Pathway Minor Programs
With funding from a USDA Higher Education Challenge grant, the CAFS minor was launched as a University-community initiative with Heifer International and the Hale Community Garden in Blacksburg. The CAFS minor is the first interdisciplinary pathway minor at Virginia Tech that embodies a commitment to sustainable agriculture and food systems by integrating classroom and community-based learning curriculum. The CAFS minor program brings together social and biophysical perspectives, frameworks, and community partnerships for students to explore such issues and topics as food security, food sovereignty, ecological sustainability, health and nutrition policy, food politics, and community resilience from farm to plate. Click here for more information
The Global Food Security and Health minor is an interdisciplinary program that explores the biophysical, technological, and institutional drives that contribute to global food security and population health. The minor also provides students with directed, internationally-oriented experiential learning opportunities, such as study abroad, undergraduate research, internship, or service-learning placement.
Click here for more information