Tessa Naughton-Rockwell, Student in the Global Food Systems and Health Pathway Minor

Tessa is a sophomore in Crop and Soil Sciences with a minor in Global Food Security and Health (GFSH). Tessa was interested in learning more about the dynamics of agriculture at a global level and how to create sustainable development practices in food, which is why she decided to participate in the GFSH minor. Tessa is also artistic and has found ways to incorporate her talents in community engagement projects related to the minor.
When asked about the Global Crops class she said “this class takes you through cropping systems that are not native to the United States and teaches you why they are important. It opens your mind to realize that not everything is local and this is so important because the majority of the world’s population is not here in the United States. It takes agriculture and makes it more applied and helps you to realize that what we do expands beyond our communities.”
In reflecting about her participation in the minor, she shared “because of this minor, I was able to apply to and receive a grant that is only open to students who are in the global food systems area of study. In addition, I have made a lot of connections in the field, which have helped me to expand my professional base. These connections will help me with my future endeavors.” When asked about her favorite experience in the minor she shared about her work with a non-profit organization in their process to rebrand themselves and how she was able to put her artistic skills to use through designing a new logo and banner for them!
Her advice for fellow students is to “say yes! Take every opportunity to get involved. If someone asks you to do something, do it. You will learn a lot and it is important to get involved, because if you skip out on the opportunities too much, they may not be there again in the future.”