Rebecca Hawkins, Student in Food Politics Course (STS 4304)

To round out and compliment her studies, Rebecca Hawkins, a senior in Wildlife Conservation with a minor in Geosciences, enrolled in Dr. Halfon’s Food Politics class. She shared, “I have a background in the hard sciences, so taking a class in social sciences was a big change, but a good one. It is interesting to look at how food affects people on a personal and social level. Her words of advice for interested students are "it is very important to do the readings and get involved. The class is very discussion based, if you have questions or comments make sure that you speak up. If you do that, you will do well.”
Rebecca plans to be a Natural History Collections Curator as it combines her fascination with the natural world and animals with her inclination for history. Participation in the Food Politics course helped broaden her perspectives where she can more clearly see how people perceive the world around them, while she studies the science behind the world around us.