Resources from Local to Global

Resources from Local to Global
A compilation of resources particularly useful for addressing food systems issues in the time of COVID-19 organzied by state level, regional, national, and global resources from organizations, coalitions, networks and similar partnerships. If we are missing any helpful resoruces, please email them to or fill out the form below by clicking the "Join the Conversation" button.
Virginia Association for Biological Farmers (VABF) Coronavirus Resources, Farmers, Consumers, and Farmers Market Managers
A compilation of the most current resources for farmers, market managers, consumers, and other food system stakeholders such that communities can make informed decisions and still have access to fresh, healthy foods in the wake of coronavirus (COVID-19).
Virginia Farmers Market Association (VAFMA) COVID-19 and Virginia’s Farmers Markets
Detailed information related to COVID-19’s effects on farmers markets in Virginia.
Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) COVID-19 Emergency Information Center
Provides relevant and up-to-date guidance and resources related to agriculture and agribusiness concerns
Virginia Farm Bureau Federation Producer Resources Related to the Coronavirus COVID-19
Information for Virginian farmers relevant to farm operations during this public health challenge
Virginia Community Capital
Virginia Community Capital is structured as both a non-profit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) and a for-profit bank, VCC Bank. As a CDFI, VCC can provide credit and financial services to people, businesses, and communities not served by mainstream lenders.
Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development COVID-19 Funding and Resources
An updated list of resources and funding for people experiencing houselessness.
Virginia Department of Health COVID-19 in Virginia
Provides up-to-date data and reporting on the number of cases of COVID-19 across Virginia
Extension Disaster Education Network
A collaborative multi-state effort by Cooperative Extension Services across the country to improve the delivery of services to citizens affected by disasters
Virginia Economic Developers Association (VEDA) COVID-19 Resources and Information for Economic Developers and Businesses
Weekly economic development briefings, news, resources, forums, and online meetings for economic developers.
Virginia Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network COVID-19 Resources for Small Business offers COVID-19 resources and assistance for small businesses. They also have a new webpage on Recovery Resources that offers resources for reopening and recovering.
The Center for Nonprofit Excellence (CNE) COVID-19 Resources for Nonprofit Businesses and Communities
Resources and assistance to support nonprofits and community organizations amidst the pandemic. Also see, CNE Local Funds + State & Federal Financial Resources Immediately Available to Nonprofits to Manage Through COVID-19 Crisis.
Virginia Housing Development Authority--Virginia Housing Customers and Partners Impacted by the COVID-19 Virus
Information, resources, and support for customers of the Housing Development Authority impacted by COVID-19.
Virginia Deptartment of Small Business and Supplier Diversity (SBSD) COVID-19 Resources for Small Businesses
A compendium of resources for small businesses impacted by COVID-19.
Virginia Tourism Corporation Virginia Tourism Corporation Coronavirus Resources
Up-to-date information for industry partners and proactive measures to protect the health and safety in the tourism industry.
Virginia Employment Commission (VEC) COVID-19 Resources
Online resource to learn about any changes to the benefits application process along with VEC office closings, pertinent news releases and links to other helpful sites.
Virginia Center for Innovation Technology (CIT) Resource Guide for COVID-19
This resource guide provides brief descriptions of federal, state, and private sector financial support programs for Virginia’s high growth start- up community (though also relevant for Virginia companies in general), and includes links to find out more.
Cornell Small Farms Resource Page “Building Farm Resilience During COVID-19”
This website compiles, resources, links, news, and updates related to COVID-19 on various aspects of farming during a crisis.
Chesapeake Foodshed Network
Scroll all the way to the bottom of their page to check out "The HIVE: Resources for Food System Changemakers" to be taken to an archive of their email campaigns with recent ones focused on Food Systems and COVID-19.
CRAFT at Chatham University COVID-19 Resources
CRAFT is aiming to make the regional food system stronger during these times by helping farmers, restaurants, and bakeries navigate shifting demands. They have listed regional resources and created resources that include a Pennyslvania Farm Product Directory as well as Neighbor Loaves, a way to suppor local bakeries in combating the rise in food insecurity.
Mid-Atlantic Food Resilience and Access Coaition
A newly launched organiation mobilizing the Mid-Atlantic Foodshed’s resources and assets to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 disruption on vulnerable communities and food-related businesses in the region.
Pennsylvania Department COVID-19 Webpage
Information, guidance and resources, lab resources and press releases related to COVID-19.
Soul Fire Farm, Black Farmer Fund, and Northeast Farmers of Color Food & Land Sovereignty Resource List for COVID-19
A google spreadsheet curated by Soul Fire Farm, Black Farmer Fund, and Northeast Farmers of Color that includes mutual aid, online learning opportunities, and agricultural, financial, and mental health resources, as well as media articles around COVID-19 and the Food System.
SERA 47 Resource Bank COVID-19 Resources
The SERA 47 (Strengthening the Southern Region Extension and Research System to Support Local and Regional Food Needs and Priorities) COVID-19 resources page compiles links to community, business, and household resources along with a list of university extension websites for COVID-19 resources.
University of Madison-Wisconsin “Six possible impacts of COVID-19 on farming”
University of Maine Cooperative Extension “The farmers response to disease and outbreak”
Amara Consulting and Design Small Business and Nonprofit Relief Funding Resoruces in Response to COVID-19: Loans, Grants, and Other Funding Opportunities
A continually updated resource list.
ATTRA Sustainable Agriculture ATTRA COVID-19 Response
A compilation of resources to help farmers understand the pandemic and how it affects their farming operation.
Info NMN Patterns of Stress and Resilience: Neurosequential Network Stress & Trauma Series
This discusses stress, distress and how the pattern of stress can determine whether stress is destructive (sensitizing) or positive (resilience building). Focus on the current COVID-19 pandemic.
FoodTBD Food and COVID-19
An online community and platform for food system responses to COVID-19.
Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
Information, guidelines, programs, and tools related to FSMA
Future Harvest Chespeake Alliance for Sustianable Agriculture COVID-19 Resources for Farmers
A compliation of state by state resources, federal resoruces, relief funds, webinars, direct sales software platforms, find a farmer and/or market directory, and more.
National Family Farm Coalition "COVID-19 Stimulus Package for the Food System"
A factsheet that advocates for a stimulus package supports farmers and local/regional food systems and lists out key actions needed.
National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition Covid-19 economic impact on local food markets
Economic impact assessment for local food markets compiled March 18, 2020 by Dawn Thilmany, Becca Jablonski, Debra Tropp, Blake Angelo, and Sarah Low
National Young Farmers Coalition Young Farmers COVID-19 Response
Outlines the responses to COVID-19 of the National Young Farmers Coalition including a survey of young farmers, a COVID-19 resource library, information about federal relief funds for young farmers, food safety resources, member calls, and online advocacy.
USDA Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Webpage
Latest news from the CDC on Coronavirus (COVID-19), FAQs, listing of US actions, and resources.
US Right to Know Coronavirus Food News Tracker
A news tracker stewared by U.S. Right to Know that houses links to recent news articles related to the pandemic and our food system and a categorical archive.
IPES-Food’s Communique “Covid-19 and the Crisis in Food Systems"
A Communique statement by the International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) on the symptoms of this food crisis, what can be done immediately to avert damage, and structural chances necessary to protect people and the planet.
Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems Funders
The Sustainable Agriculture and Food System Funders organization has pulled together an impressive and growing list of philanthropic funding programs and links to support food and farming during this time. It is a long list and many are geographically specific.
United Nations Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) "The COVID-19 pandemic is disrupting people's food environments: a resource list for Food Systems and Nutrition Responses"
This 8-page resource document compiled by the UNSCN includes a list of resources and key readings with a focus on nutrition and food systems.
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