Danny Boyer of Four Winds Farm

Danny Boyer is the owner and operator of Four Winds Farm, a grass-fed beef operation. As both a farmer and a former employee of the Soil Conservation Service, Danny has years of experience in sharing and implementing soil conservation strategies on his own farm, and on farms in his community through teaching, demonstrating, and applying practices such as managed grazing and alternative water systems. Most importantly, Danny is committed to forging deep and trusting relationships with farmers in his community to ensure soil conservation practices are implementable and sustainable. Serving as a member of the Virginia Beginning Farmer and Rancher Coalition, Danny is also guided by his commitment to support the next generation of farmers through mentorship and the preservation of agricultural land and resources.
The Soil, Conservation, and Place Project is generously funded and supported by a community viability grant from Virginia Tech’s Department of Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education and the Agua Fund. The project team includes Eric Bendfeldt, Mike Parrish, Kim Niewolny, Wade Thomason, and Maureen McGonagle from Virginia Tech and Virginia Cooperative Extension. The project team especially wants to thank the participating farmers for sharing their time, experiences, and insights with us and the broader community.